John's Journey Walk Foundation

Make A Donation Today!

a close up of a typewriter with a donation sign on it
a close up of a typewriter with a donation sign on it

We hope to raise awareness regarding mental health and addiction and recovery issues because no one should have to be alone, no family member should ever have to hear that their family member has passed because of addictions that can lead to early death, and no one should feel like they cannot reach out for help to find resources and a helping hand that may provide the necessary tools and resources to assist them to greater health and stability. I know there are many who can empathize, sympathize, and understand this very personal issue because either you or someone you love has had similar issues. Without assistance nothing can be done to overcome or assist those that need the aid towards a better path and this walk is dedicated to that goal! Help by contributing a donation towards John’s Journey!


Please ensure that when you donate using Etransfer the following information is included:

  • First and Last Name

  • Address

  • EMail

  • Phone Number

  • Amount of donation

We need to account for all donations and send out income tax receipts for those of you donating $25.00 or more. We are sending out sales receipt confirmatons to all who donate to John's Journey Walk Foundation so that everyone is accounted for and each dollar is credited correctly. If you are donating in person we will also have a volunteer to take your information at the event and process a receipt for you! We appreciate you!