Getting There/Rules

Pearce Estate Park is located on 17A Street. Take 17 Avenue and turn at the lights on 27 Avenue. If you are heading west turn right, if you are heading east turn left. Follow the traffic circle to the secon turn and head into the park. The park is located across from The Fish Hatchery.

Pearce Estate Park is located on 17A Street. Take 17 Avenue and turn at the lights on 27 Avenue. The parking lot is across from the park. Please make sure to carpool if you are able to.

Pearce Estate Park is located on 17A Street. Take The City of Calgary has available bus routes to the park please click the link and you will be able to search the address of the park

City Transit Bus Routes


person holding brown short coated dog
person holding brown short coated dog

Pearce Estate Park is located on 17A Street. Take 17 Avenue and turn at the lights on 27 Avenue. Your pets must be on a leash at all times per park policy and rules.

Area: 21 hectares

Hours: 5 a.m. - 11 p.m.

Park Rules