Event Information

Join us on next year 2024 at Pearce Estate Park to walk in support of mental health, addiction and recovery issues. Walk 5 km in support of these issue, or just come to the event and enjoy a day at the park.

Event Location: Pearce Estate Park Address:1440 17A St. S.E.

Pearce Estate Park is located on 17A Street. Take 17 Avenue and turn at the lights on 27 Avenue. If you are heading west turn right, if you are heading east turn left. Follow the traffic circle to the second turn and head into the park. The park is located across from The Fish Hatchery

  • Event time: 9 am - 1:00 pm (time indicates the setup and teardown estimated time needed to be ready) race should run from 10 am to 12:00 pm depending on how fast you walk or if you run. If you chose to go further we do not have volunteers past the halfway point on the route. All sponsors should arrive early to set up your booths. Volunteers please arrive early so that we can have you at your designated spot to encourage and guide the walkers along the route this year.


  • Event 9:30 am Moment of Silence and Prayer

  • Event Announcement: 9:45 am

  • Warm Up Your Body: Begins at 9:50 am

  • Event Walk: Begins at 10 am walk 5 km with us! Walk 2.5 km with us! Walk what you can!

  • Visit at the sponsor tents and find out what resources are available.

  • Sponsors and all guests: If you want to sit make sure to bring a chair to the event! Sponsors requiring a tent can rent one. Please contact us.


This year, I am participating in a walk to honor and show my love for someone special in my life. I am filled with pride as I embark on this journey today, wearing a t-shirt that symbolizes my dedication and support. The person I am walking for holds a special place in my heart, and this act of walking is a way for me to express my care and affection for them. As I take each step, I am reminded of the love and bond we share, and I am determined to walk with all my heart for this beloved individual.